New To Canada

New to Canada – want a home of your own – no problem…

If you are new to Canada and you are planning to buy a home it’s a big transition and we can make that transition easy.

Biggest considerations for new Canadians who are ready to buy a house is credit history and the down payment. You need not worry. we are here to the rescue from counseling on credit to all the paperwork we can streamline all that process for you.  You are New to Canada, and do not have any established credit, we can still help you qualify for a mortgage with three months of employment history and by demonstrating credit worthiness to your lender in other ways some of which are:

  • Proof of timely rent payments confirmed by your landlord (non-family member) and bank statements
  • A valid work permit or landed immigrant status
  • Bank statements showing pre-authorized payments for12 months for regular payments such as utilities, telephone, cable, insurance premiums, along with a bank reference letter
  • A credit report from your country of origin

It is always a good idea to start establishing credit in Canada as soon as you can. A down payment of 5% is the minimum, although a larger down payment may be required.

We can make home buying process smoother for you, we’ll advise you on the paperwork you need to assemble to apply for a mortgage, and then present your financial history to the lenders that can best meet your needs.